Saturday, April 11, 2015

Bel Air Kite Festival

Despite having Hot Rods practice in the morning, we decided that we should "check out" the Bel Air Kite Festival.  We picked up lunch on the way to Bel Air and coordinated with Joe and Missy about stopping over for a visit in case the Festival wasn't as fun as we hoped.

The boys LOVED every minute that we were there. We arrived a couple of hours after the Festival had started and the free kites were gone and we lucked out that one of the organizers had an extra one to let us borrow.  It was a monkey, which totally works for our little animal lovers.

With minimal assistance, George, was up in the air.

Connor even helped get the kite back up after a crash. 

Father and son keeping an eye on the sky.

The boys actually took turns sharing the kite.  It was amazing to watch and observe.  Fairly confident that all there had a permanent smile on their face.

It was so much fun. There were times after baseball practice that we weren't sure if we were going to make it including 3 trips to the bathroom when we were less than a mile away from the Festival.  But, we are all SUPER happy that we did. 

The boys want to get another kite so that they don't have to share and I can't imagine that it wouldn't be an animal.  They were very interested in these fish, especially the Nemo.  Looking forward to many more high flying experiences with George.

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