Sunday, December 23, 2012

Finally found : Our Christmas Star

We headed off to Valley View in search of a Star for a tree topper.  This has been an ongoing search since we were instructed by both boys that a Star was ABSOLUTELY necessary after Duck on Word World told them of the importance of the star.

Last year, multiple ornaments didn't survive Jackson's excitement and we were hopeful that he could contain it a little better.

Connor immediately moved to the ornaments in search of animals.

Jackson was almost under a spell by this reindeer.  He didn't want to leave it.


The shaking started early....  It was actually in this section that he was jumping up and down and there was a casualty. We offered to pay pay for it but the employee said it wasn't necessary.  She was admiring his love for the reindeer when we first walked in.  He was working her before he even knew he had to.

Little hands being as gentle as they could.

His main concern is animals, animals and more animals and there were LOTS of them.

Michael was so worried that more things were going to break....

We left after finding our star and can happily report only 1 casualty.  It's much better than the multiples that he left last year.  The boys have barely touched our tree and it has Toy Story ornaments and animals. It's as if they knew not to but the ornaments on display are a different kind of temptation.

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