Friday, December 28, 2012

Jackson and Connor {3 Years Old - Birthday Bowling}

We ventured out to celebrate the boys' birthday with some birthday bowling.  They hadn't been to a bowling alley since Ben's birthday when they were a little over ONE and this year was a bit different.

These little boys with one of them who was walking anywhere and everywhere chasing the big kids

and one who was content sitting on the pool table

have changed a lot since that day.

On this day, they didn't just have to be onlookers.  It was their turn and time to get their shoes on.

Connor does a good job of surveying the scene.

Waiting on the bowling balls.

He was too impatient to wait for the balls on our lane so he took it upon himself to help himself to the ones arriving for the group next to us.  Hopefully, we will learn bowling etiquette but we will save that for another day.

Getting out the guider to help ensure the strikes!!!

Watching and waiting.

Working on it together.

We had so much fun but definitely have a lot to learn in terms of bowling etiquette.  Connor couldn't handle that we had our lane to bowl in and was constantly crowding the bowlers next to us and trying to take their balls and at one point, made the bold move of rolling a ball down their lane.  We will work on their ability to share and not interfere with other people's games. 

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